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Alvin Brooks and John Sharp

The Hickman Mills C-1 School District (HMC-1) proudly honors two exceptional leaders who have shaped the South Kansas City community. The district’s Board of Education has voted to name two school buildings in recognition of Alvin Brooks and John Sharp, whose decades of service, advocacy, and leadership have left a lasting impact on students and families.

Read More about Honoring Legacy: HMC-1 Names Schools to Celebrate Community Leaders Alvin Brooks and John Sharp
KSHB Channel 41 The Mill Coffee Shop Story

Wednesday morning, hours before the student-run The Mill Cafe was set to open, a pipe burst. Water had to be shut off temporarily, and crews were called in to quickly clean up.

Program coordinator Bethany Kelly called the situation a real-world experience, which is the whole purpose behind teaching her students how to learn to go with the (water) flow.

Read More about The Mill Cafe Opens Wednesday with Plenty of Real-World Experiences (opens in new window/tab)
Telegraph Hickman Mills Coffee Shop

Ruskin High School has a new class called “coffee shop.”

Which makes perfect sense because the school district has a new coffee shop that is run by students.

Grand opening for The Mill Cafe, 10301 Hickman Mills Dr., is set for 8:30 a.m. Jan 22. It will be open to the public.

The students show up early, serve up cappuccinos and lattes, quiche and pastries, get paid and earn class credit.

Read More about Hickman Mills Gets a Coffee Shop (opens in new window/tab)
Pippin Musical Performance Photo 0`

The Ruskin High School Thespian Troupe #3732 took center stage and captivated audiences with their stunning Pippin: The Musical performance from November 14-16, 2024. This theatrical triumph wasn’t just a showcase of student talent; it also paved the way for four performers to receive $55,000 in scholarships from The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts (NYCDA) through their prestigious Rising Star Scholarship Program.

Read More about Ruskin High Thespians Shine Bright in “Pippin: The Musical”

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