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Attendance Policies
Students are expected to be at school every day. Students who are not in school 90% of the time will have an attendance plan in place and monitored. Students with seven (7) or more absences in a class will lose credit for that course. Students who come to school but choose not to attend class and will be issued ISS or OSS when necessary.
Late Arrivals
Students are expected to be on time to class. If not, an attendance plan will be put in place and monitored. ISS or OSS will be issued when necessary.
Early Release / End of Day Procedures
Any student who participates in a program that allows them to leave campus early must follow the early release/early return procedures. All students are required to leave campus when their last class has finished. They may not stay at school and loiter. When students return to campus, they must go directly to class or wait for the end of the day in the media center. Students who fail to follow the procedures for returning to campus can be removed from such programs.
Leaving Campus
Ruskin High School is a closed campus. Students are not allowed to leave campus without being checked out by a parent or guardian. Students who leave campus without permission will be issued consequences.