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Visitors and Volunteers

School Visits
Parents and guardians are welcome and encouraged to visit the school. All visitors must register in the office upon entering the school building. In order to speak with or sign out a student, visitors must present proper identification (driver’s license or state ID) before access to the student will be granted. Per District Policy KK. However, parents/guardians who wish to visit a classroom will need to contact the school office and schedule the visit at least 24 hours in advance. Visits will be limited to not more than 90 minutes. Visitors will sign in, be given a visitor badge, and be accompanied to the classroom by a staff member. 
Student Pickup
Students are not to leave school unless the student is checked out properly. Students are allowed to leave during the school day with a parent or guardian who is listed in Infinite Campus. Proper identification will be required of the person checking out the student. An authorized adult must come into the school building in order for a student to be released from campus. Students will not be released to an awaiting car without an administrator.
Student Drop off
Students must sign in when reporting to school late, a parent/guardian will be contacted.